• Bezpieczne stosowanie Ketomorinu – o czym warto pamiętać? suplement ketomorin diety

    Ketomorin – rewolucyjny suplement diety, który zyskuje popularność wśród osób, które chcą schudnąć. Jest to produkt na bazie naturalnych składników, które mają korzystny wpływ na metabolizm organizmu i pomagają w redukcji tkanki tłuszczowej. W tym artykule przedstawimy podstawowe informacje na temat ketomoriny, w tym jak działa, kto może stosować ten suplement diety, jakie są dawki, jakie skutki uboczne mogą wystąpić i wiele innych cennych informacji.

    Co to jest ketomorina?

    Ketomorina to suplement diety, który zawiera naturalne składniki, które pomagają w procesie odchudzania. Składniki te wpływają na metabolizm organizmu i przyspieszają spalanie tkanki tłuszczowej. Ketomorina jest skuteczna w zwalczaniu nadwagi i otyłości, ale może być również stosowana przez osoby, które chcą zrzucić kilka kilogramów.

    Ile można schudnąć z ketomoryną?

    Ilość utraconej wagi z ketomoriną zależy od wielu czynników, takich jak indywidualne tempo przemiany materii, aktywność fizyczna, dieta i styl życia. Wiele osób zgłasza utratę wagi nawet do kilku kilogramów w ciągu kilku tygodni stosowania ketomoriny. Ważne jest jednak, aby pamiętać, że każdy organizm reaguje inaczej na suplementy diety, więc wyniki mogą się różnić.

    Kto może stosować Ketomorin?

    Ketomorin może być stosowany przez osoby, które chcą zrzucić zbędne kilogramy, ale również przez osoby z nadwagą i otyłością.

    Czy ketomoryna jest bezpieczna?

    Ketomorina jest suplementem diety, który zawiera naturalne składniki i jest bezpieczny dla zdrowia. Jednakże, jak w przypadku każdego suplementu diety, nie powinien być stosowany przez osoby z chorobami serca, chorobami wątroby i nerek oraz osoby przyjmujące leki na stałe. Zawsze należy przestrzegać zaleceń producenta i nie przekraczać zalecanej dawki.

    Czy ketomoryna powoduje skutki uboczne?

    Ketomorina jest suplementem diety, który zawiera naturalne składniki i nie powoduje skutków ubocznych u większości osób. Jednakże, w rzadkich przypadkach, mogą wystąć skutki uboczne, takie jak biegunka, wymioty, bóle brzucha, bóle głowy, zaburzenia snu czy też niepokój. W przypadku wystąpienia któregokolwiek z tych objawów, należy przerwać stosowanie suplementu i skonsultować się z lekarzem.

    Jak należy dawkować ketomorynę?

    Zalecana dawka ketomoriny to 2 kapsułki dziennie, przyjmowane rano i wieczorem, popijając wodą. Ważne jest, aby nie przekraczać zalecanej dawki i nie stosować suplementu diety dłużej niż zaleca producent.

    Kiedy zobaczę pierwsze efekty?

    Efekty stosowania ketomoriny mogą być widoczne już po kilku tygodniach stosowania. Jednakże, wyniki są zależne od indywidualnego tempa przemiany materii i stylu życia. Aby osiągnąć optymalne efekty, należy stosować ketomorinę w połączeniu z aktywnością fizyczną i zdrową dietą.

    Jak działa ketomorin?

    Ketomorina działa na trzech poziomach. Po pierwsze, zmniejsza apetyt i poprawia uczucie sytości. Po drugie, przyspiesza procesy metaboliczne, co pozwala na szybsze spalanie tkanki tłuszczowej. Po trzecie, poprawia samopoczucie i energię organizmu, co pozwala na większą aktywność fizyczną i utrzymywanie zdrowego stylu życia. Podsumowując, ketomorina jest skutecznym i bezpiecznym suplementem diety, który pomaga w redukcji tkanki tłuszczowej i zwiększeniu metabolizmu organizmu. Suplement diety ten jest odpowiedni dla osób, które chcą zrzucić kilka kilogramów, jak również dla osób z nadwagą i otyłością. W połączeniu z aktywnością fizyczną i zdrową dietą, ketomorina może przynieść znaczące efekty w procesie odchudzania i poprawić samopoczucie.

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  • Ketomorin – dawkowanie i czas trwania kuracji ketomorin na odchudzanie

    Ketomorin – rewolucyjny suplement diety, który zyskuje popularność wśród osób, które chcą schudnąć. Jest to produkt na bazie naturalnych składników, które mają korzystny wpływ na metabolizm organizmu i pomagają w redukcji tkanki tłuszczowej. W tym artykule przedstawimy podstawowe informacje na temat ketomoriny, w tym jak działa, kto może stosować ten suplement diety, jakie są dawki, jakie skutki uboczne mogą wystąpić i wiele innych cennych informacji.

    Co to jest ketomorina?

    Ketomorina to suplement diety, który zawiera naturalne składniki, które pomagają w procesie odchudzania. Składniki te wpływają na metabolizm organizmu i przyspieszają spalanie tkanki tłuszczowej. Ketomorina jest skuteczna w zwalczaniu nadwagi i otyłości, ale może być również stosowana przez osoby, które chcą zrzucić kilka kilogramów.

    Ile można schudnąć z ketomoryną?

    Ilość utraconej wagi z ketomoriną zależy od wielu czynników, takich jak indywidualne tempo przemiany materii, aktywność fizyczna, dieta i styl życia. Wiele osób zgłasza utratę wagi nawet do kilku kilogramów w ciągu kilku tygodni stosowania ketomoriny. Ważne jest jednak, aby pamiętać, że każdy organizm reaguje inaczej na suplementy diety, więc wyniki mogą się różnić.

    Kto może stosować Ketomorin?

    Ketomorin może być stosowany przez osoby, które chcą zrzucić zbędne kilogramy, ale również przez osoby z nadwagą i otyłością.

    Czy ketomoryna jest bezpieczna?

    Ketomorina jest suplementem diety, który zawiera naturalne składniki i jest bezpieczny dla zdrowia. Jednakże, jak w przypadku każdego suplementu diety, nie powinien być stosowany przez osoby z chorobami serca, chorobami wątroby i nerek oraz osoby przyjmujące leki na stałe. Zawsze należy przestrzegać zaleceń producenta i nie przekraczać zalecanej dawki.

    Czy ketomoryna powoduje skutki uboczne?

    Ketomorina jest suplementem diety, który zawiera naturalne składniki i nie powoduje skutków ubocznych u większości osób. Jednakże, w rzadkich przypadkach, mogą wystąć skutki uboczne, takie jak biegunka, wymioty, bóle brzucha, bóle głowy, zaburzenia snu czy też niepokój. W przypadku wystąpienia któregokolwiek z tych objawów, należy przerwać stosowanie suplementu i skonsultować się z lekarzem.

    Jak należy dawkować ketomorynę?

    Zalecana dawka ketomoriny to 2 kapsułki dziennie, przyjmowane rano i wieczorem, popijając wodą. Ważne jest, aby nie przekraczać zalecanej dawki i nie stosować suplementu diety dłużej niż zaleca producent.

    Kiedy zobaczę pierwsze efekty?

    Efekty stosowania ketomoriny mogą być widoczne już po kilku tygodniach stosowania. Jednakże, wyniki są zależne od indywidualnego tempa przemiany materii i stylu życia. Aby osiągnąć optymalne efekty, należy stosować ketomorinę w połączeniu z aktywnością fizyczną i zdrową dietą.

    Jak działa ketomorin?

    Ketomorina działa na trzech poziomach. Po pierwsze, zmniejsza apetyt i poprawia uczucie sytości. Po drugie, przyspiesza procesy metaboliczne, co pozwala na szybsze spalanie tkanki tłuszczowej. Po trzecie, poprawia samopoczucie i energię organizmu, co pozwala na większą aktywność fizyczną i utrzymywanie zdrowego stylu życia. Podsumowując, ketomorina jest skutecznym i bezpiecznym suplementem diety, który pomaga w redukcji tkanki tłuszczowej i zwiększeniu metabolizmu organizmu. Suplement diety ten jest odpowiedni dla osób, które chcą zrzucić kilka kilogramów, jak również dla osób z nadwagą i otyłością. W połączeniu z aktywnością fizyczną i zdrową dietą, ketomorina może przynieść znaczące efekty w procesie odchudzania i poprawić samopoczucie.

  • Jakie skutki uboczne może powodować Ketomorin? ketomorin allegro

    Ketomorin – rewolucyjna metoda odchudzania

    Ketomorin to suplement diety, który zyskał popularność na całym świecie dzięki swojej skuteczności w procesie odchudzania. W tym artykule opiszemy, czym jest ketomorina, ile można schudnąć dzięki temu suplementowi, kto może stosować ketomorin, jakie są skutki uboczne, jak należy dawkować ketomorinę, kiedy zobaczymy pierwsze efekty oraz jak działa ketomorin.

    Co to jest ketomoryna?

    Ketomorin to suplement diety, który jest specjalnie zaprojektowany dla osób, które chcą zrzucić zbędne kilogramy. Suplement zawiera naturalne składniki, które są kluczowe dla zapewnienia, że organizm spala tłuszcz zamiast magazynować go w postaci zapasów. Głównym składnikiem ketomoriny jest keton malinowy, który stymuluje przemianę materii, a tym samym przyspiesza spalanie tłuszczu.

    Ile można schudnąć z ketomoryną?

    Efekty stosowania ketomoriny są imponujące. Przeciętnie osoby stosujące ten suplement diety są w stanie zrzucić około 8-10 kilogramów w ciągu miesiąca. Jednak warto pamiętać, że wyniki te mogą się różnić w zależności od indywidualnych warunków zdrowotnych, stylu życia oraz przestrzegania zaleceń producenta.

    Kto może stosować Ketomorin?

    Ketomorin jest skierowany do osób, które chcą zrzucić zbędne kilogramy. Suplement jest odpowiedni dla osób w każdym wieku, które nie mają przeciwwskazań do stosowania suplementów diety.

    Czy ketomoryna jest bezpieczna?

    Ketomorin jest suplementem diety, który jest produkowany z naturalnych składników, dlatego uważa się, że jest bezpieczny dla większości osób. Jednak, jak w przypadku każdego suplementu diety, istnieje ryzyko wystąpienia skutków ubocznych. Dlatego przed rozpoczęciem stosowania ketomoriny należy skonsultować się z lekarzem.

    Czy ketomoryna powoduje skutki uboczne?

    Podczas stosowania ketomoriny można spodziewać się wystąpienia skutków ubocznych, jednak są one stosunkowo łagodne i zwykle ustępują po kilku dniach. Możliwe skutki uboczne to bóle głowy, nudności, biegunka, zmniejszenie łaknienia, problemy z trawieniem.

    Jak należy dawkować ketomorynę?

    Zgodnie z zaleceniami producenta, dawka ketomoriny to jedna kapsułka dziennie, najlepiej rano, przed śniadaniem. Kapsułkę należy popić dużą ilością wody. Nie należy przekraczać zalecanej dawki suplementu diety.

    Kiedy zobaczę pierwsze efekty?

    Czas, w którym można zobaczyć pierwsze efekty stosowania ketomoriny, zależy od indywidualnych warunków zdrowotnych, stylu życia oraz przestrzegania zaleceń producenta. Zwykle jednak pierwsze efekty można zauważyć już po kilku dniach stosowania suplementu.

    Jak działa ketomorin?

    Ketomorin działa poprzez aktywację procesu ketogenezy, czyli produkcji ketonów w organizmie. Keton malinowy, który jest głównym składnikiem ketomoriny, wpływa na przyspieszenie przemiany materii i zwiększenie spalania tłuszczu. Suplement diety przyspiesza także metabolizm glukozy i zmniejsza apetyt, co pomaga kontrolować ilość spożywanych kalorii.


    Ketomorin to suplement diety, który zyskał popularność dzięki swojej skuteczności w procesie odchudzania. Suplement diety zawiera naturalne składniki, które stymulują przemianę materii i przyspieszają spalanie tłuszczu. Ketomorin jest bezpieczny dla większości osób, jednak przed rozpoczęciem stosowania suplementu należy skonsultować się z lekarzem, zwłaszcza w przypadku osób z chorobami przewlekłymi lub kobiet w ciąży. Zwykle pierwsze efekty stosowania ketomoriny można zauważyć już po kilku dniach. Dawkowanie ketomoriny polega na przyjmowaniu jednej kapsułki dziennie, najlepiej rano przed śniadaniem. Ketomorin działa poprzez aktywację procesu ketogenezy, co przyspiesza spalanie tłuszczu i zmniejsza apetyt.

  • Sassy Half Shaved Head Designs: Good Girls Go Bad

    Sassy Half Shaved Head Designs: Good Girls Go Bad

    Sassy Half Shaved Head Designs: Good Girls Go Bad

    Half shaved head hairstyles are becoming more and more popular with daring women. Can’t live without bright changes? You’re in the right place!

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    The world isn’t split into good and evil, so even charming and feminine women have dramatic, fiery sides; and shaved head hairstyles are meant to show it off. Although a decade ago shaved styles used to be associated with brutal punks, today it’s another way for women to express their wild and dynamic personalities.Your hair is the most significant detail of your style that tells people who you really are. For that reason, we’ve selected the most eye-catching, dramatic, and unique hairstyles with half shaved head designs. Once you feel the need for going bold, feel free to steal those ideas!Consider This Before Getting A Side Shaved
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    Though getting a half head shaved may seem to be a spontaneous, impulsive decision, in fact, it requires a very thoughtful approach. Moreover, it’s more of a commitment that involves regular upkeep and maintenance routine. But don’t jump into conclusions: wearing such haircuts is not a total sacrifice. Here are the basics you should keep in mind to know what to expect and how to keep up with the amazing new look.
    Getting a side shave and a half shaved head are not the same things.
    The very first thing you should decide is how much hair you want to shave. You can either go for a side shave or half-shaved style, where the former involves shaving off one side of the head and the latter implies cutting most of the hair from the center.

    Prepare to maintain the look every two or three weeks.
    After two weeks, the perfectly defined, outlined side will start to stick out and hence become thicker and more visible. If you don’t want to get back to your regular one-length look, make sure to maintain the shaved portion. The best thing is, you can do it yourself. Of course, if you feel that your eyes are not that sharp, you can ask a hairdresser for help.

    Conservative people are most likely to find your look inappropriate.
    Let’s face it, there are lots of people who aren’t used to changes, not to mention drastic ones. Just be ready to catch not only envious but also surprised eyes.

    You can always hide the shaved side.
    If you hesitate to show up with your shaved masterpiece, you can pull the longer locks forward and cover the shaved portion. Also, you can put your hair into a low ponytail, which is way easier and more comfortable.

    All in all, half shaved hairstyles are super fashionable today.
    Coming across a girl with half shaved head won’t be a total confusion to most people, as more and more celebrities and pop icons are showing up with such hairstyles. Moreover, such famous girls as Rihanna, Natalie Dormer, and Miley Cyrus have proven that getting a punk-inspired style doesn’t make them look less feminine. Therefore, don’t get intimidated by the fact that you don’t see such styles on every single girl. The truth is, not every girl is brave enough to go for impressive changes!
    Short Half Shaved Head Cuts
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    First things first, let’s start your journey to shaved-cut inspiration with the very classic version also known as female undercut! You’re going to see how you can add a sassy flair to your pixie of bob, as well as let your punky soul speak through your look!Half Shaved Pixie Cut
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    All pixie haircuts are destined to have all eyes on them, no doubts. Can you imagine what would happen to yours if you combined it with a shaved part?Swept Back & Shaved
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    Creating a voluminous, swept-back style is another awesome thing you can do with your shaved pixie!Black Pixie With Hair Tattoo
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    One of the greatest things about rocking a half-shaved head is that you create an endless playground for your hair experiments. As a matter of fact, switching your creativity mode is enough to give life to various custom hair tattoos that will leave people speechless. This jet black pixie with a distinctive, textured top and unique hair design on the side is an example of how far you can go with your imagination if you let it fly.Rainbow Mohawk
    Credit photo: Instagram/hairgod_zito
    As you know, the classic Mohawk features bald or closely buzzed sides to make the top stand out. For the top, you can add some bright colors. As for the sides, you need to make them as tight as possible. Also, don’t forget to put a signature: some shaved elements will work perfectly.Short Half Shaved Style + Bright Design
    Credit photo: Instagram/thehairstylish
    The more colors, the better! Don’t forget about this rule when going creative with your half shaved head design.Dramatic Mohawk
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    If you’re one of those people who still think that Mohawks work well for men only, this pic will prove you otherwise. This clean, edgy, and super fresh idea shows the trend in a totally new light!Short, Half Shaved & Contrastive
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    When going for contrasts, why not make them big? The blonde top falling on the darker sides is far more creative than leaving the roots dark.Disconnected & Half Shaved Hairstyle + Razored Line
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    Here’s how dramatic your mane will look once you shave the bottom portion completely. To accentuate the look, finish it with such a minimalist hair design as a razored line.Messy & Punky Mohawk
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    While most ladies add just a hint of messiness, you can reveal its full potential by shaving off one side and tousling the top as much as you can. How do you like this fresh take at the Mohawk, by the way?Short Shaved Bob + Shaved Stripes
    Credit photo: Instagram/hugosalon
    If a shaved half head is not enough for you to individualize your bob, you can customize the shaved section as well. Some shaved stripes with different fades between them would be a stunning choice.Chic Half Shaved Bob
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    Those who don’t want to go too much with half head shaved haircuts can go for a well-balanced half shaved bob. It will not only allow you to hide the shaved part but also will nicely blend with the curvy top.Swept Back Half Shaved Cut
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    Instead of a full clean shave for the sides that work for contrasts, you can make your shaved look more moderate with a buzz. By the way, it’s a nice move for girls who don’t want to make the sides too tight for the sake of balance in their facial features. A swept-back top would be the best finish for such rough graduation, especially if the roots are a bit darker than the rest of the hair.Sleek Layered Short Bob
    Credit photo: Instagram/olga.lebedinskaya
    Not a pixie and not a bob as well: it’s something in the perfect middle. Once you shave off one side on your bob, you will see it turn into a game-changing fusion of the two hottest cuts of the year. Paired with layers and balayage, the cut will give an additional oomph to the roots. Some sleekness and edgy ends will also be nice finishing touches to this look.Bald & Shaved
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    When playing with half-shaved head designs, you are the one who sets the rules, remember? Therefore, the sides will end and begin just where you want them to. For a more jaw-dropping outline, you can literally make some section bald, drawing a brand new silhouette for your sides. And don’t forget to part the top to the side: you need to show off that creative twist, after all!Shaggy Side Part
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    In case you’re not sure if you want to make a half-shaved look your go-to for good, you can go for its moderate tapered version. A tapered texture will grow out pretty fast and nicely blend with your top, while you can try something new with your pixie. Some shaggy movement will be a good exclamation point for your extraordinary look, that’s for sure!Extremely Short Half Shaved Pixie
    Credit photo: Instagram/cut_and_color
    Well, that’s another way to introduce your statement to this world. Even the shortest buzz can be different once you take a creative approach to you. A curvy shaved line serves as a hard part for a super short top that is still longer than the sides. Another shaved line represents the bright individuality hiding under this brave look. Bottom line? It’s as bold as it’s beautiful.Medium Half Shaved Head StylesWhen you want to make a statement with a shaved design while having more length for selling experiments, mid-length shaved styles come in! In fact, such looks are meant to feed two birds with one scone. If you want to add some daring to your look and keep it work-appropriate, here’s.Long Bob + Undercut Design
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    There are a plethora of awesome designs of half shaved head long hair can accompany. The best this is, the clean side will add a modern, punky twist while longer locks and girly hair tattoo will keep the whole look feminine.Half Shaved Shoulder-Length Style
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    To achieve smooth graduation on the sides, ask your stylist for a soft taper instead of a regular shave. As a result, you will have a very harmonic finish for your shoulder-length hair.Half Shaved Mid-Length Style + BangsShort baby bangs that seamlessly blend with your shaved side are an irresistible detail that can enhance the head-turning look. Additionally, some colors and shaved lines won’t hurt.Brown Lob With Bright Hair Tattoo
    Credit photo: Instagram/haritobarber
    When reading articles about lob haircuts, you are most likely to come across such a characteristic as ‘versatile’. And here you can see its versatility at its best. This half-shaved, tattooed lob changes the common image of the popular cut, nicely fitting the image of a sassy lady.Half Shaved Long Mohawk + Bangs
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    A long, vivid Mohawk with bangs is something a badass girl can’t do without when she’s about to make a statement.Shaved Side with Long Hair Ideas
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    The iconic shaved touch looks especially breathtaking on long manes. Once you sweep your locks to one side, tuck your hair behind the ears or simply put it in a ponytail, you will infuse your look with drama!Long Hair + Undercut
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    The main reason why girls are so crazy about long half shaved head hairstyles is that they bring a great visual impact despite their simplicity. At first sight, it’s just a slightly wavy mane with a faded side. Still, it looks extremely unique.Half Shaved Head + Long Waves
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    Are you ready to see the good old waves from a new angle? Get the half shaved head, wave your hair, sweep it to the side. Voila!Long Hair + Hi-Lo Fade + Undercut
    Credit photo: instagram.com/hairgod_zito
    A double fade that plays with hair transition and beautifies the wavy top, who could ask for more? Besides, the look is very voluminous, regardless of how much hair has been shaved. Isn’t that a win?Half Shaved & Braided
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    Even the most daring women who are not afraid to shave their head shouldn’t dare to forget about braids! Those cuties can make your look even more creative, keep that in mind.Long Half Shaved Style + Edgy Design
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    Here comes another stunning variation of a customized shaved style. And you know what? It’s actually one of the ideas of half shaved head short hair can complement, too. Bottom line? Half shaved designs know no limits.Buzz & Braids
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    BUZZ & BRAIDS !!! Thanks @tatianasuciu ??? #BuzzCutFeed #Undercut #Undercuts #360Undercut #ShavedNape #ChickFade #SkinFade #UndercutNation #BaldFade #ClassicUndercut #BarberArt #BarberShopConnect #BarberLife #InternationalBarbers #BarbersIncTv #TaperFade #Faded #BuzzCut #GirlsWithShavedHeads #SideCut #SideShave #ShortHair #ShortHaircut #ShortHairDontCare #BuzzCuts #WomensFashion #AvonДопис, поширений BuzzCutFeed ™ (@buzzcutfeed) 26 Чер 2019 р. о 7:31 PDT
    Cornrows braids always stand out in the crowd, but why don’t you intensify the visual impact? Once you buzz the sides off, you will see the power of tiny but super chic braids grow, turning into another hairstyle that will make heads turn.Top Knot With Undercut
    Credit photo: Shutterstock.com
    A hidden undercut under your hair is the middle ground you’re looking for. Today, you want to wear a floral dress and tie a lovely braid. Tomorrow, you feel like it’s time for your ripped jeans and crazy hairstyles. With such a cut, you will be able to switch between those moods seamlessly.Becoming that half shaved head girl that always makes heads turn and minds go crazy is quite a bold move. Well, that’s the point! The variety of half shaved hairstyles is as wide as you can imagine, so you can rock a style that perfectly matches your inner self. Now that you’ve seen the hottest ways to pull it off, it’s time to steal one of the today’s ideas! If you are brave enough, of course.FAQ: Half Shaved HeadWhat does shaving half your head mean?Actually, half-shaved head is the current trend in fashion.Just consider having a full head of hair on one side and a shaved head on the other. So, if you’re reading this outline, you might be a person open to new experiments and interested in making a masterpiece out of your hair by leaving one side long and luscious and the other shaved down to the skin.Can you hide a half shaved head?Prepare to meet with not only doubting but also a bit shocked looks. Your shaved side may always be hidden. You can drag the longer locks forward and conceal the shaved section if you don’t want to show up with your shaved masterpiece. You can also pull your hair back into a ponytail. This is far more convenient and comfy.Should I shave the side of my head?Shaving your head has now become more of a conscious decision among women than ever before. As a result, the side shave you choose should stay in harmony with your personality and your style. Cutting all of your hair off and then shaving the side may actually be too severe for you if you are a more mellow and laid back type.How do you maintain a half shaved head?It should be maintained every three weeks.The best approach to keep a sideshave is to ask for help of a buddy. However, if you’re confident in your abilities, you can cut through the hair that stick out with a comb.REFERENCES:Try one of these half shaved hairstyles to elevate your look in a big way. Source

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    If you have never been to Ginnie Springs, you are in for a real treat!This natural spring is the epitome of Florida beauty and home to some of the prettiest water in the state.Ginnie Springs makes our list of the Best Springs In Florida! You should make sure to add it to your bucket list!The water from Ginnie Springs is crystal clear and a gorgeous blue color. The area is pretty large so you can go camping and more when you aren’t on the water! The spring pumps out 80 million gallons of water every day.If you are looking for a pretty place for swimming and water recreation, then Ginnie Springs is for you!That being said, Ginnie Springs can get quite crowded and busy! It is one of the only springs in Florida where drinking is allowed and frat boys and college kids flock to the springs on holidays and weekends.Drinking is allowed at Ginnie Springs because it is privately owned, unlike other popular springs which are city or Florida state parks.We don’t tell you this to scare you, though, but to keep your expectations in check. We will share tips on voiding the crowds, so do not worry.Where Is Ginnie Springs?Ginnie Springs is located about 6.5 miles away from the city of High Springs. It is one of the best springs in North Florida.It is about 48 minutes northwest of Gainesville and an hour south of the Florida-Georgia border on 75 Highway.Although you can visit this spring from Tampa [where we come from], it will set you back about 2 hours one way!Ginnie Springs is privately owned and it is connected to the Santa Fe river.Here is the address: 7300 Ginnie Springs Road, High Springs, FL 32643You can also just type “Ginnie Springs” into your GPS and you will be taken right there!How Much Does It Cost To Visit Ginnie Springs?There is no easy answer when it comes to the admission fees for visiting Ginnie Springs, FL!There are so many things to do there, from camping and diving to paddle boarding and general admission!Unlike other springs in Florida such as Kelly Park/Rock Springs which are more affordably priced, Ginnie Springs is actually quite pricy!The general daily prices are:Adults “Off-Season” Rate: $15
    Adult “Season” Rate: $20
    Children ages 5-12: $5
    Children 4 & Under: Free
    There are also prices for scuba diving in the caves, regular diving, camping, and more! For a full pricing list, you can check out the Ginnie Springs Website!As I mentioned above, $15-$20 per person is on the steeper side when visiting springs in Florida. Ginnie Springs is one of the prettiest springs so it is worth the cost, but I want you to be prepared!What Time Does Ginnie Springs Open And Close?Hours for Ginnie Springs change with the day of the week and also the season!If you are staying at the campground, then the springs are open 24/7 for you.For everyone else, it depends on what time the sun sets. For example, during the winter, the park will close between 6-8 pm. Sometimes it is later!And again, the hours change depending on if you are visiting during the week or on the weekends!Please check out the Ginnie Springs website for more information on the exact hours! Don’t follow your GPS or Google as they both say the springs are open 24/7 which isn’t exactly true!Map Of Ginnie SpringsBelow is a map of Ginnie Springs so you can get an idea of how the park is laid out!You will be given this map when you check in and when you pay upon arrival. If you are not given a map of the park, simply ask at the front desk!Ginnie Springs is a larger park compared to some springs, so having a map is handy if this is your first trip!Our favorite part of Ginnie Springs is over by Devil’s Eye which you can see marked on the map. You come in, turn right, pass a parking area, and then the second parking area is where it is!How Cold Is Ginnie Springs?Ginnie Springs is a constant 72F/22C at all times!If you ask me, a Floridian, then this is darn cold! If you are someone that doesn’t live in Florida or a similar warm climate, then this is probably super nice swimming water for you!When swimming at Ginnie Springs, I do find it super cold! So you can swim around and when you get cold, get out and relax in the Florida sun before you do it all over again!Of course, you do not have to go in the water to enjoy it! There is other water fun available. You can tube, paddleboard, kayak, etc!Best Time to Visit Ginnie Springs, FloridaGinnie Springs can be visited any time of the year, but the season does affect some aspects. Each has its pros and cons. Here is a monthly breakdown to help when planning your Ginnie Springs trip.WinterVisit Ginnie Springs in the winter if you are okay with cooler weather. The high temperature will range from the mid-60s to the low-70s F, or mid-10s to low-20s C.Of course, the cooler air means the water will seem warmer at its consistent 72F/22C. The sky is cloudiest this time of year, but the chance of rain is low.Winter also means sunset is earlier and the springs close earlier. However, there will be fewer people, which means you can find a private spot for yourself.Winter also means the chance of spotting manatees in Florida because they seek warmer water this time of year.The Upside: Off-season prices, fewer crowds, chance to see manatees, the water feels warmer, low chance of rainThe Downside: Cooler weather, cloudy, springs close earlierSpringSpring is great because the crowds are still low and the weather starts to warm up. Expect the high temperatures to be in the 80s F, or high-20s to 30s C.The manatees will start to move on at the beginning of the season.The Upside: Fewer crowds than in high-season, weather is warm, cloudyThe Downside: Will probably miss the manateesSummerSummertime is when Ginnie Springs is the busiest. This is a great time for a family vacation or to relax during a break from college.The weather this time of the year is at the hottest. Expect the highs to be in the high-80s and low 90s F, or in the 30s C.With the air temperature so high, the spring water will seem chiller for Ginnie Springs swimming, but it is a great time for kayaking and stand-up paddleboarding.Summer also has the highest chance of rain, so keep that in mind.The summer days are longer and a late sunset means the springs are open later. You will have more time to relax and have fun.The Upside: Best time for summer family trips, springs are open laterThe Downside: Very crowded, higher price, the water feels chillier, a higher chance of rainFallAs people go back to school in the fall, the crowds will thin at Ginnie Springs. The temps are still warm with highs in the mid-70s to high-80s F, or the 20s C.While it gets cloudier, the chance of rain goes down.The Upside: Crowds start to diminish, warm weatherThe Downside: Still a chance of rain early in the season, starts to get cloudyCrowds At Ginnie SpringsOn the weekends in summer and on holidays, Ginnie Springs in Florida can get quite busy!Since it is near college towns, during holidays this can attract a college-age crowd.I have been to Ginnie Springs multiple times during the weekdays, and it has been very chill. It is usually always pretty family-friendly, especially if you are on the river. There are just more people!Unlike other springs in Florida, Ginnie Springs rarely fills to capacity so there is no need to rush there super early to make sure you get in.That being said, if you want to camp at Ginnie Springs, you should make your reservation in advance, especially during the summer!Drinking is allowed and on weekends, especially Saturdays in summer, it can be busy.For the least crowds, go during the off-season or shoulder season such as October or April. Otherwise, just go in with an open mind!As long as you are prepared, you will not be disappointed or surprised when you arrive!Are There Alligators At Ginnie Springs?Something you need to know about Florida is any body of freshwater, such as a river, lake, or spring, always has the possibility of having an alligator.This should be the rule of thumb for anyone at all times in Florida!However, alligators are usually not at Ginnie Springs in Florida as it is way too crowded.Ginnie Springs is connected to the Santa Fe River so if you are tubing for miles down the river, you may see an alligator on the river.Alligators don’t like people and a whole bunch of people splashing around is NOT what the alligator has in mind as a fun day. Trust me, they will stick to the banks of the Santa Fe River and well away from all the ruckus swimmers create!Tubing At Ginnie SpringsTubing is one of the most popular activities at Ginnie Springs!You can walk to the start of the tube run and pick up your tube then walk back and do it again once you reach the end!The tube run at Ginnie Springs is around 1 hour in time which is one of the longer tube runs. Some only last 15-30 minutes!Because of the length and scenery, this natural lazy river is one of the best places for tubing in Florida!The downside to tubing at Ginnie Springs is you are tubing on the Santa Fe River, not in the actual spring itself.As a result, the water is dark and murky and you cannot see what is beneath you. It is also deeper water.People swim in the Santa Fe River all the time and this is one of the most popular things to do in Ginnie Springs!You can bring your own tube and there is no size limit! You can also rent tubes at Ginnie Springs when you arrive. There is also a free air-fill station.Watersports At Ginnie SpringsAside from tubing, you can also do kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding, and canoeing at Ginnie Springs, Florida!You can bring your own gear or the general store has everything you need to rent.Each rental is $15 for three hours or $30 for six hours. Rentals also include life vests and paddles.This is a good deal if you plan on taking turns with people in your group.If you have your own kayak or canoe but need paddles, you can rent those separately for $6.Keep in mind that they stop renting at 11 am for the six-hour rentals and at 2 pm for the three-hour rentals. All equipment must be returned by 5 pm.After you have acquired your kayak, stand-up paddle board, or canoe, it is time to explore the water.There is no pick-up service available, so you must first paddle upstream against the current. The workout is worth it though for the relaxing and scenic journey back.Soak up the Florida atmosphere and keep an eye out for birds and other wildlife on the Santa Fe River.This is one of the best places for kayaking in Florida, and you are sure to have a great time.Diving At Ginnie SpringsGinnie Springs is one of the best places for scuba diving in Florida! The water is clear and there are cool underwater caves to explore.There are three areas for certified divers to explore: The Ginnie Ballroom, the Devil’s Spring System, and the Santa Fe River.To save money, you can bring your own gear. However, they have anything you would need for snorkeling or diving available to rent.You must be certified to rent scuba gear or dive in the springs. Know your abilities and do not enter the caves without experience.Some of the most popular spots to dive are Devil’s Eye, Devil’s Ear, and Devil Spring. These caves have cool rock formations and the crystal-clear water allows you to see it all.Devil’s Spring is about 50 feet deep and even from the bottom, you can view the sky.If you are experienced, you can bring a dive light into the Ginnie Cavern. You will love the unique, amphitheater-sized, Ginnie Ballroom.Whether you dive deep or just snorkel near the surface, you will love experiencing some of the clearest water in Florida. Make sure you bring a wetsuit to stay warm!Camping At Ginnie SpringsCamping is super popular at Ginnie Springs! It is truly one of the best places for camping in Florida because of how unique it is and how much there is to see and do!Prices for camping at Ginnie Springs range depending on the time of year you are going and what type of campsite you want!Prices per night run from around $25-$30 per adult and $8 per child.There are full hookups and partial hookups offered.Since you can only swim until the sun goes down, the campground is where the partying and drinking happens and the bathrooms and facilities can get a little muddy or dirty because of this.Primitive camping is allowed too if you want to just pitch your tent somewhere that isn’t a campsite, such as along the Santa Fe River.Of course, you cannot stay at a campsite that is a more expensive tier than you paid for, but you should be fine otherwise!For the most up-to-date pricing and hours, make sure to check out the Ginnie Springs website!Tips For Ginnie SpringsHere are a few more quick tips for Ginnie Springs, High Springs.Of course, one of the best reasons to visit Ginnie Springs is for the photos! If you are looking to get the best photos of Ginnie Springs without people, you will want to take photos at opening or closing time.You can also go during the off-season or during a weekday as we do and you will have the whole place to yourself [pretty much!].As I mentioned above, drinking is allowed at Ginnie Springs so if you are a big drinker, why not take advantage as most springs don’t allow it?Bring your cooler and enjoy but remember to respect others!Sadly, dogs are not allowed at Ginnie Springs so you will have to leave them at home. If you bring a dog, you will be turned away!If you are diving, 100% wear a wetsuit, and do not cave dive unless you are certified and have practiced. People have died!People have not died from alligators at these springs so you really don’t have to worry about that though!You can bring your own tube of any size or you can rent one from the general store!The front office also has food and drinks, gear, and more if you need to purchase something upon arrival!Where to Stay Near Ginnie SpringsIf you do not want to stay at the Ginnie Springs campgrounds, there are other options nearby perfect for a weekend getaway in Florida.BlueGem MotelThe BlueGem Motel in High Springs is a great budget option with rooms that are simple but cozy. The rooms include flat-screen TVs, a fridge, a coffee machine, and AC to cool you down in the summer.The property has a garden, terrace, and snack bar for guests to enjoy. It is also just a few miles from Ginnie Springs and other fun attractionsCheck Rates: Booking.comHuck’s Hideaway Near the Santa Fe RiverHuck’s Hideaway in Forth White is a private vacation home perfect for a family of five. Surrounded by trees, the two-story house really does feel like a secret hideaway. The Santa Fe River is only a short walk away.The house has a full kitchen, comfy furniture, and even a wood-burning stove in the living room. You will love having this home to escape back to after a day of fun.Check Rates: Booking.comHotel Indigo GainesvilleIf you want some luxury while staying in Florida, the Hotel Indigo in Gainesville is a great choice! You will love the modern furniture and many amenities.The property has an on-site restaurant and a bar where you can grab a cocktail. There is a ton of outdoor seating featuring a firepit. If you want a workout, there is a fitness center too.This hotel is also near many of the best things to do in Gainesville as well as shops and restaurants.Check Rates: Booking.com
    Photo Credit: Hotel Indigo Gainesville via Booking.comAll in all, Ginnie Springs is a very fun place to visit and one of the coolest Florida oasis locations you can visit!I hope you enjoy visiting as much as we do, even if it is on a busier or hotter day.If you want to visit another Florida spring, check out Gilchrist Blue Springs State Park which is right next door.Did You Find This Post Helpful?If so, we would love to keep in touch! We enjoy seeing photos and comments about your experiences in Florida! You can follow us on Instagram and we will repost your photos on our feed and comment too! Just tag us at @floridatrippers and hashtag #floridatrippers. We can’t wait to see your travels!

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    Yoga Leggings Onlineshop | MASSIVE SPORT & Lifestyle

    Yoga Leggings Onlineshop | MASSIVE SPORT & Lifestyle

    Yoga Leggings Onlineshop – Beste Qualität – Große Auswahl der Top Yogamarken Onzie, Hey Honey, Nicoya Yoga – Jetzt ab € 50,- Versandkostenfrei bestellen.

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    Best Long Tops to Wear With Leggings that Don’t Look Frumpy

    You need to wear long tops with leggings to look elegant and fabulous. Here’s a look at tops that work beautifully with leggings, and a few that don’t.

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    9 ways to wear black leggings

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    Hip-turned Folds Elastic High-waist Leggings Breathable Slim Indoor Pants – Dark green / XL

    Overview:Excellent material, not easy to breakColorful colors, multiple choices Note:Asian sizes are 1 to 2 sizes smaller than European and American people. Choose the larger size if your size between two sizes. Please allow 2-3cm differences due to manual measurement.Please check the size chart carefully before you buy the item, if you don’t know how to choose size, please contact our customer service. Specification:Main fabric composition: polyester fiber (polyester)The content of the main fabric component: 71%-80%Main fabric component 2: spandexMain fabric component 2 content: 10% or lessStyle: Europe and AmericaPants length: nine pantsStyle: pencil pants / pantsThickness: General Function: Breathable, slim, sweat-absorbent, slim, hippattern: plain Popular elements: jacquardColor: red, jacquard black, jacquard white, jacquard gray, jacquard rose red, jacquard fluorescent green, jacquard orange, jacquard lake blue, jacquard blue, jacquard purpleSize: S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXLSize chart: Package Content:1 x Leggings

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    Helios LeggingBlack / Large

    Designer’s Notes A 4″ High-Rise waistband legging, featuring a MICHI logo zipper at the front for an extra sporty look. Includes discretely placed mesh inserts for added ventilation and breathability. Features Sweat wicking Exceptional Breathability Eight-way stretch 4″ Standard High-rise Waistband to smoothen the midsection Mesh insert at waistband and leg for added ventilation Made with Love in Canada Size & Fit High waisted Slim – Streamlined to hug the body Length: 7/8 Inseam: XXS 23″, XS 24″, S 25″, M 26″, L 26″, XL 26″ Modeled in size S Model Measurements: Height 5’9” /175cm, Waist 25” /64cm, Hips 35” /89cm, Dress 2 Size Guide Fabric & Care Signature buttery soft fabric 81% Nylon / 19% Spandex Bluesign approved Hand or machine wash cold with like colors Line dry

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    Kaia Gerber pairs gray leggings with patterned pullover

    Last month, she starred in the Coach X Disney X Keith Haring campaign. And on Tuesday, Kaia Gerber was spotted heading out to a Pilate workout with her adorable pup in Los Angeles.

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  • This is New Mexico ?

    This is New Mexico ?

    This is New Mexico ?

    It is such fun to enter a botanic garden with no expectations, not knowing what, or if, there will be anything to photograph. I was in New Mexico recently, among other things photographing the Dome…

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    Rio Grande Gorge Bridge | Taos, New Mexico

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    Festival Green, the entrance to Rio Grande Botanical GardenIt is such fun to enter a botanic garden with no expectations, not knowing what, or if, there will be anything to photograph.I was in New Mexico recently, among other things photographing the Domenici Courthouse, a Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES™) project. SITES™, the landscape equivalent of LEED, now has projects becoming certified and I am delighted to begin photographing them.Domenici Courthouse, SITES™ project, AlbuquerqueOn my last day in Albuquerque I went to the Rio Grande Botanic Garden hoping to find some perennial color and sustainable garden ideas for the Southwest. To be honest, I had not heard good things about the Botanic Garden and was suspect of any garden with such a huge lawn component, like their Festival Green.It is a funny thing that we see what we want to see sometimes, and see only one side of a story. I had heard from sustainability friends that the Botanic Garden was misguided and had too many gardens that used too much water.Sasebo Japanese Garden at Rio Grande Botanic GardenThat is very true with the big Festival Green lawn and the Sasebo Japanese Garden but this botanic garden is meant to be an oasis in the arid West, a place locals can go to enjoy the outdoors, play, stroll, and relax. Sometimes the public good is well served by a bit of extravagance.And I DID find the Xeric Garden, the Pollinator Garden, the Arroyo, the Sand Hills, and the Desert Mountain gardens. A map of the garden is found at the end of the post.Wonderful Achillea was covering the Xeric garden, a meadow in all its glory, making a wonderful contrast to the Festival Green lawn.But most unexpectedly, at the end of the day I stumbled into the Children’s Fantasy Garden.I felt like I had fallen down the proverbial rabbit hole.  Everything was out of scale.As I walked past an outsized flower pot and under a huge flower “growing” out of it, I noticed a bee.A hidden speaker suddenly erupted, and was startled by intense buzzing .What fun!  As a parent I worried that kids would by now be crying.  As a big kid I was grinning ear to ear.I went through the maze and truly got lost, making many wrong turns, finally entering a series of tunnels – mole tunnels.Light came through a series of holes open to the sky as if I were a rodent looking up.While I delighted in being underground, taking photos was a huge challenge.  It’s dark in those tunnels; and the sky is bright. A great time to use a Photoshop technique of merging different exposures, expanding the dynamic range of the camera sensor.  Many cameras now have built-in HDR (high dynamic range) settings that will automatically use multiple settings.I do HDR merge in my post production where a single tool in Bridge will merge the frames I select.  The key to making it work is to use a tripod for tack sharp (and unchanging) focus and thus NO change in composition when the multiple images merge; and being sure to adjust the exposures by means of shutter speed, not the aperture setting which subtly changes focal depth of field.Four frames selected for HDR merge of dark tunnelOften these merged images initially look ghostly and flat but that is easily corrected with other tools.Notice the hose nozzle has appeared from the shadows.This is New Mexico ?  It could be anywhere a Botanic Garden chooses to be creative.However one more quick photo tip takes advantage of the truly New Mexico feature of the garden. There is a Heritage Farm section in the garden with an old Southwest style farmhouse.   A ready made photo opp with red peppers drying on the porch.This is a charming Old West home but the peppers are what make it so special.  If that is the story I want you to see, I’ve got to get a lot closer, find a good photo angle, and make that the story.Not that is New Mexico.Rio Grande Botanical Garden mapBio
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    Saxon Holt is the owner of PhotoBotanic.com, a garden picture resource for photographs, on-line workshops, and garden photography stories. An award winning photojournalist and Fellow of The Garden Writers Association with more than 25 garden books, he lives and gardens in Northern California. PhotoBotanic – Garden Photography online at http://www.photobotanic.com. https://photobotanic.com